
  • Operating principle of passenger elevator


    Now I will briefly introduce Guangri Elevator. The elevator control system is composed of a PC and input and output parts. (1) Programmable Controller (PC) PC adopts 8-bit or 16-bit microprocessor as ...

  • Talking about the things you need to master when buying an elevator


    When we buy an elevator, we need to know a lot about elevators, and then the elevator maintenance company will tell you what you need to know to buy an elevator1. Choose elevator specifications. There...

  • What are the classifications of passenger elevators


    According to the driving mode, the AC elevator is divided into: an elevator with an AC induction motor as the driving force. According to the drag mode, it can be divided into AC single speed, AC doub...

  • Safety instructions for children riding escalators


    1. Do not let your children take the escalator alone. The escalator may sometimes break or turn upside down. The toothless escalator is easy to jam the child's hand. Parents should take care of the es...

  • What is the difference between passenger elevator and general elevator


    The biggest difference between the two is: general elevators do not have a fire-fighting function, and prevent everyone from taking the elevator to escape when a fire occurs.Because when it is affecte...

  • Why are glass mirrors installed in the elevator


    Elevators have been widely used. Elevators can be seen in office buildings or residential areas. Careful friends may find that some elevators are equipped with mirrors. You can't help but wonder: Why ...

  • Passenger elevator misunderstanding


    Misunderstanding 1Easily pick up the door or go up the ceiling to "escape"The elevator has two doors, one is the hall door and the other is the car door. An automatic locking device is installed on th...

  • Several technical issues that must be paid attention to when selecting elevators


    As more and more buildings are equipped with elevators, more and more investors and design units will encounter such a problem-how to choose elevators for their projects? This article discusses some k...

  • What are the safety functions of villa elevators


    The villa elevator is a home elevator. It is an elevator installed in a private residence and only used by a single family member. Many villa owners still don’t know much about some functions when pur...

  • Elevator electrical fault finding method


    When looking for a fault, do not rush to do it, you should first understand the fault phenomenon. Find the fault point by looking, smelling, asking, and listening. If the elevator equipment (such as m...

  • How to correctly ride the escalator for children


    Escalator in life This is very common in China. Although it is practical and convenient, it also has certain risks and is a place where elevator accidents occur frequently. After the escalator runs fo...

  • Analysis on the insurance scope of elevator safety liability insurance


    Do you know? Elevators also need to be insured. In this case, if an accident occurs during the normal operation of the elevator, the loss of passengers can be compensated, then what is the scope of th...

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