
What is the difference between ahome elevator with a machine room and without ?

Abstract:We all know that when choosing a home elevator, most pe […]

We all know that when choosing a home elevator, most people will consider choosing a machine room-less home elevator, but few people choose a machine room elevator. Why is this? What is the difference between the two?
What is the difference between a machine room-less home elevator and a machine room home elevator?
Literally, a home elevator without a machine room is a home elevator without an independent machine room, and a home elevator with a machine room is a home elevator with an independent machine room.
The independent machine room of the machine room elevator is usually installed on the top of the building, which not only requires civil engineering, but also occupies a large space in the machine room, and it is very likely to change the structure of the top of the house. Therefore, for private households, the installation of a home elevator with a machine room is expensive, and the installation space size is limited, so it is not widely used.
Machine room-less elevators are more popular for installation in private households, as there is no need for a separate machine room, which not only saves costs, but also is convenient, simple and fast to install without changing the original building structure of the house. It can be flexibly installed in any corner, which can maximize the use of house space. Rate! Especially for families that have been renovated and moved in, they are more inclined to install machine room-less elevators.
Summary: With the development of today's home elevator technology, machine room-less elevators and machine-room elevators have their own characteristics. We can choose a suitable home elevator according to actual needs and site conditions.

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