
What are the differences between home elevators and public elevators

Abstract:When many family villas began to use home elevators, ma […]
When many family villas began to use home elevators, many more people were very unfamiliar with the term home elevator. The reason is mainly because the access of the elevator comes from the high-rise buildings in the city, so as long as you lift the elevator, the public elevator comes into your mind. The home elevator is only limited to a small family area, and does not need to reach dozens of floors, only a few floors of the house structure. Even so, the sparrow is small and well-equipped, but it is different in load and number of people.

Generally speaking, the load of household elevators is 250-400KG, while the load of public elevators is 450-2500KG. It is obvious from this figure that public elevators may be 10 times the load capacity of home elevators. Therefore, home elevators are small and sophisticated elevators, not the kind of building that rushes to stuff yourself as pickles in the commute. The same elevator.

The difference between home elevators and public elevators is also in speed. Household elevators are 0.4m/s, and public elevators are 1.0-18.0m/s. These are formed according to requirements and domestic elevator manufacturing specifications.

Another difference is the door opening method. Public elevators are generally automatic doors, while home elevators are hand-pulled doors and automatic doors. This is convenient for families to choose according to their needs, and is more flexible. In addition, for some families with elderly and children, the pull door may be safer and more reliable, at least the probability of being caught by the automatic door will be much lower.

Among these differences, the most problematic and the most demanding is speed. Many people hope that home elevators can reach the speed of 80 floors. But this is absolutely impossible, firstly because of the technical safety itself, and secondly because the floor itself cannot meet such requirements. Because the back and forth time may make the speed not reachable, 0.4m/s is enough for home use. There is absolutely no need to blindly pursue speed, regardless of safety.

Although some people propose to increase the speed, some companies may say that it can be done, but this requirement actually exceeds the technical safety requirements of the industry and will ignore the safety issues. Therefore, users must be cautious in speed, and some home elevators supply Businesses should also be cautious, otherwise, the major safety hazards caused by the acceleration will cause many unnecessary social and family tragedies.

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