a. Fault alarm
When the Shopping cart escalator device falls, the alarm light is turned on
the upper entrance
b. Shopping cart arrival reminder
When the Shopping cart escalator arrives at the exit, the
sensor will be automatically turned on at the
entrance of the induction device, indicating that
the user's shopping cart has arrived.
c. Security door
Prevent people or other objects from en-tering the
shopping cart or playing it as a slide.
d. Entrance stop switch
The Shopping cart escalator emergency stop switch at the upper and lower
entrances can stop the device from running.
e. Indoor shopping cart escalator Entrance security protection
Prevent foreign materials from enterning the
entrance of the transmission chain.
f. Fault indication direction running
When the Indoor shopping cart escalator equipment is shut down or abnormal,
the LCD display fault code is displayed at the
lower entrance, which is convenient to find the
fault source.
g. Start switch