
The functional technology application of elevator door machine

Abstract:Operating conditions of elevator door machine: 1: The e […]

Operating conditions of elevator door machine:
1: The elevator is a straight-line load-carrying tool for high-rise buildings. Except for the car, there is nothing in the hoistway that can prevent objects from falling. It can also be said that the elevator hoistway is a high-risk area, so the elevator door becomes an inner door and an outer door. Double doors .
2: The inner door of the elevator has the function of opening and closing the outer door jointly. The inner door relies on the motor of the elevator door machine to open and close the car door.
3: The outer door of the elevator is also the floor door. The door for entering and leaving the elevator on this floor is not equipped with the door itself. The door is opened by the car door (inner door). When the car is not parked on the floor, the outer door is opened. It requires an open door tool to open, this is an automatic safety locking device for the outer door.
Description of the output point of the external door safety configuration:
1: Spring-type automatic door closing: when opening the door, a larger torsion force is required to pull the door, that is, when opening the door, the tension spring needs to be stretched and run to the opening limit switch signal input (the door is completed), at this time the outer door has been subjected to the high tension spring return. Under the influence of pulling, the torque of the elevator door machine motor is **. At this time, the door machine motor must be changed to the running torque function, and the door machine motor must stop to complete the function of opening the door. The door closing is affected by the pull back of the tension spring. At this time, the door machine motor must be replaced with Running brake function, if the running brake function is not used, there will be a slamming sound when the door is closed in place. Because the return force of the tension spring is getting smaller and smaller, it is necessary to close the door before speed compensation function, so that there will be no too hard closing speed curve. There is a special closing curve, and the function of making up the door before closing is required.
2: Counterweight type automatic door closing: when opening the door, a large torque is required to open the door. When the door is in place, it is affected by the counterweight pulling back, and the door is pulled backwards. At this time, the elevator door motor must not move. Torsional force can keep the elevator door fixed in position. When the door is closed, it is the opposite. Affected by the falling body of the counterweight, the elevator door motor must be replaced with the running brake function, so that there will be no inertial impact when the door is in place.
3: Door closing torque: When the car is about to leave the floor, the inner and outer doors are closed. At this time, the door motor needs to be turned into a fixed torque to keep the car door open without being affected by external forces. safety regulations.
4: Torque to complete the door opening: When the car reaches the floor, in order to enable people to enter and exit without obstacles, the door operator motor needs to be turned into the torque to complete the door opening and keep the elevator door fully open. This is the function of the elevator.
5: From the above two points, we know that the elevator door machine is a very special moving body. Only the special synchronous servo motor with special functions can be competent.

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